The Department of Neuroscience features a concentration of researchers studying a variety of model systems, from worms to humans, all dedicated to understanding basic mechanisms of brain development and function. With a long, rich history beginning with our roots as the Department of Anatomy, we were one of the first departments at the School of Medicine. The department has twin missions of Research and Education.
The research work of the department happens within the context of a larger neuroscience community at WashU, which is both vibrant and highly interactive. Spanning basic and clinical groups, the community extends to numerous departments and centers across the school’s two main locations: the Danforth and Medical School campuses. WashU was recently ranked no. 9 among the world’s premiere academic institutions for training in neuroscience by U.S. News & World Report.
In 2023, the department moved into a new building dedicated solely to neuroscience research. The Jeffrey T. Fort Neuroscience Research Building serves as the campus hub for neuroscience research, housing more than 100 labs from five departments.

A collaborative community
With more than 40 joint faculty members, the Department of Neuroscience values and promotes collaboration throughout the university, with the goal of better understanding the brain. We support a culture of open science and collaboration and provide outstanding research facilities for members of the School of Medicine and the entire university.
Learn more about some of our many collaborators and available shared facilities.
Dedicated educators
We have a strong dedication to medical education in the fields of human anatomy, embryology and the nervous system. We are also committed to training the next generation of neuroscientists. Our department trains all of the School of Medicine’s MD and MD/PhD students in human anatomy. We also support postdocs and undergraduate students and contribute the the MD program’s recently revised Gateway Curriculum.
Committed to diversity & inclusion
Our department highly values all our researchers, staff and trainees, and we provide an environment for people from diverse backgrounds and experiences. We are dedicated to advancing diversity and inclusion, core values shared by the School of Medicine and the entire university. Facilitated by assistant professor Jason Yi, PhD, the Department of Neuroscience liaison to the Office of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion at the WashU Medicine, we are enabling initiatives that promote diversity and ensure that the department continues to be a welcoming place for everyone.
We recognize the history of exclusionary policies and biases that have limited the participation of certain groups in academia and in science, and the Department of Neuroscience seeks to provide a place where all are supported in advancing their education and careers. To individuals interested in joining the department, we pledge to give full consideration to all applicants regardless of race, color, ethnicity, age, religion, sex, sexual orientation, ability, gender identity or expression and national origin. Collaboration and inclusion are hallmarks of WashU and the foundation for our success.
The Department of Neuroscience is a proud sponsor of OUTmed, an organization at WashU Medicine that advocates for the LGBTQIA+ community.

Join us
Our department is located in St. Louis, an affordable city for innovators, entrepreneurs, foodies and families. Interested in joining us? Learn about career and graduate rotation opportunities within the department.
- Contact us for more information and the department.
- Keep up with our latest news and follow us on X (@WashUMedNeuro) and LinkedIn.
- If you would like to support our department’s exceptional research, please visit our Giving page.