Assistant Professor Tavoni studies how information is encoded and processed in neural networks and the mechanisms that optimize these functions.
Gaia Tavoni, PhD, awarded Sloan Research Fellowship (Links to an external site)

Assistant Professor Tavoni studies how information is encoded and processed in neural networks and the mechanisms that optimize these functions.
Findings shed light on mental illnesses, including obsessive-compulsive disorder, anxiety
Professor Krikor Dikranian and Assistant Professor Peter Bayguinov among authors of new study in Nature describing a route that serves as a passageway to clear fluid waste from brain.
Celebration signals ‘new era for medical science’
Listen to Professor Padoa-Schioppa discuss his training and research on the BJKS Podcast.
Assistant Professor Yao Chen received two awards for collaborative projects to advance understanding of the molecular or mechanistic processes that underlie memory and cognition.
Read Professor Paul Shaw’s insights in Big Think on sleep across the animal kingdom.
Read Dr. Ashley Morhardt’s comments in Discover on a new study in the Journal of Comparative Neurology.
Dr. Monosov, Associate Professor of Neuroscience, discusses his research on the neurobiological roots of curiosity on the Choose to Be Curious program.
David Van Essen, PhD, Alumni Endowed Professor of Neuroscience at Washington University, is among the scholars on Clarivate’s 2023 list of Highly Cited Researchers.