Empowering neuroscience research through the Mass Spectrometry Technology Access Center
Young Ah Goo, PhD
Director, Mass Spectrometry Technology Access Center (MTAC)
Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biophysics
Washington University School of Medicine
Washington University Center for Cellular Imaging: A cutting edge imaging technology core
Peter Bayguinov, PhD
Assistant Director, Washington University Center for Cellular Imaging
Assistant Professor of Neuroscience and Cell Biology & Physiology
Washington University School of Medicine
The IDDRC@WUSTL Model Systems Core
Susan Maloney, PhD
Co-Director, IDDRC Model Systems Core
Director, IDDRC Animal Behavior Subunit
Assistant Professor of Psychiatry
Washington University School of Medicine
Neuro WHISC: Here to help you see things
Rebecca Mellor
Staff Scientist and Histology Specialist
Department of Neuroscience
Washington University School of Medicine
Electrodes and Images: Overview of the IDDRC Model Systems Core Neurophysiology Subunit and Hope Center Alafi Neuroimaging Core
Michael Wong, MD, PhD
Director, Alafi Neuroimaging Laboratory
Director, IDDRC Model Systems Core Neurophysiology Subunit
Allen P. and Josephine B. Green Professor of Pediatric Neurology
Washington University School of Medicine
The Advancing Neuroscience seminar series at Washington University is a bi-weekly showcase of exciting research happening at Washington University in the field of Neuroscience. Each event features three faculty members from different departments and disciplines presenting an overview of the state of the science in their labs. All are welcome to attend the seminars. Seminars will also be live streamed: https://bit.ly/AdvancingNeuroscience.
Following the talks, join us for the Neuroscience TGIF from 4:30 – 6 p.m.
For questions please contact Kerry Grens grens@wustl.edu.