Events / Department of Neuroscience Seminar: Yao Chen, PhD (WashU Medicine)

Department of Neuroscience Seminar: Yao Chen, PhD (WashU Medicine)

12:00 p.m.-1:00 p.m.
Neuroscience Research Building Auditorium, 4370 Duncan Avenue, St. Louis, MO 63110

Molecular Ballet: Decoding Biochemical Signaling Dynamics in the Brain
Yao Chen is a woman wearing glasses and a pink top.

Yao Chen, PhD
Assistant Professor of Neuroscience
Washington University School of Medicine

The Chen Lab focuses on uncovering principles of neuromodulator actions and mechanisms of sleep functions by illuminating the nature and functions of biochemical signaling dynamics. It aims to bridge cellular and systems neuroscience by both taking a systems biology approach to study cellular signals and studying cellular signals in the intact system in vivo.

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