Faculty advisor: Karen O’Malley, PhD
Dissertation (2009): The role of PUMA in toxin models of Parkinson’s disease
Related publications
- Bernstein AI, Garrison SP, Zambetti GP, O’Malley KL. 6-OHDA generated ROS induces DNA damage and p53- and PUMA-dependent cell. Molecular Neurodegeneration. Jan 6, 2011; 6(1):2. doi: 10.1186/1750-1326-6-2.
- Bernstein AI, O’Malley KL. MPP+ induces PUMA- and p53-dependent, but TF3-independent cell death. Toxicology Letters. May, 23, 2013. 219(2):93-8. doi: 10.1016/j.toxlet.2013.03.003. Epub 2013 Mar 14.
- Bernstein AI, O’Malley KL. Protein oxidation triggers the unfolded protein response and neuronal injury in chemically induced Parkinson disease. In: Sigrid Veasey, ed. Oxidative Neural Injury. May 29, 2009; pp. 179-192.