Laurent Seugnet, PhD
Principal Investigator, Lyon Neuroscience Research Center
Faculty advisor: Paul Shaw, PhD
Postdoctoral fellow: 2004-2008
Related publications
- Seugnet L, Boero J, Gottschalk L, Duntley SP, Shaw PJ. Identification of a biomarker for sleep drive in flies and human. PNAS. 2006; 103:19913-19918.
- Seugnet L, Suzuki Y, Vine L, Gottschalk L, Shaw PJ. D1 receptor activation in the mushroom bodies rescues sleep-loss-induced learning impairments in Drosophila. Curr Biol. 2008; 18:1110-1117.
- Seugnet L, Suzuki Y, Stidd R, Shaw PJ. Aversive phototaxic suppression: evaluation of a short-term memory assay in Drosophila. Genes Brain and Behav. 2009; 8:377-389.
- Seugnet L, Galvin JE, Suzuki Y, Gottschalk L, Shaw PJ. Persistent short-term memory defects following sleep deprivation in a Drosophila model of Parkinson’s Disease. Sleep. 2009; 32:984-992.
- Seugnet L, Suzuki Y, Thimgan M, Donlea J, Gimbel SI, Gottschalk L, Duntley SP, Shaw PJ. Identifying sleep regulatory genes using a Drosophila model of insomnia. J Neurosci. 2009; 29:7148-7157.
- Thimgan MS, Suzuki Y, Seugnet L, Gottschalk L, Shaw PJ. The perilipin homologue, lipd storage droplet 2, regulates sleep homeostasis and prevents learning impairments following sleep loss. PLoS Biol. 2010; 8:e1000466.
- Seugnet L, Suzuki Y, Donlea JM, Gottschalk L, Shaw PJ. Sleep deprivation during early-adult development results in long-lasting learning deficits in adult Drosophila. Sleep. 2010; 34:137-146.
- Seugnet L, Suzuki Y, Merlin G, Gottschalk L, Duntley SP, Shaw PJ. Notch signaling modulates sleep homeostasis and learning after sleep deprivation in Drosophila. Current Biology. 2011; 21:8345-840.
- Thimgan, MS, Seugnet L, Turk J, Shaw PJ. Identification of genes associated with resilience/vulnerability to sleep deprivation and starvation in Drosophila. Sleep. May 1, 2014; 38(5):801-14.
- Dissel S, Seugnet L, Thimgan MS, Silverman N, Angadi V, Thacher PV, Burnham MM, Shaw, PJ. Differential activation of immune factors in neurons and glia contribute to individual differences in resilience/vulnerability to sleep disruption. Brain, Behavior, and Immunity. 2015; 47:75–85.
- Seugnet L, Dissel, S, Thimgan MS, Cao L, Shaw PJ. Identification of genes that maintain behavioral and structural plasticity during sleep loss. Front Neural Circuits. October 23, 2017; 11:79. doi: 10.3389/fncir.2017.00079.