Brenda Archie, MBA

Brenda Archie, MBA

Research Administrator

Brenda is responsible for grant administration, payroll costing, document approval, fund tracking and other administrative projects related to the group of faculty to who she is assigned. Please see the org chart for portfolio assignments (DoN faculty access only).

Oshri Avraham, PhD

Oshri Avraham, PhD

Assistant Professor, University of Georgia

Faculty advisor: Valeria Cavalli, PhD

Postdoctoral fellow, 2018-2019

Staff scientist, 2020-2022

Martha Bagnall, PhD

Martha Bagnall, PhD

Associate Professor of Neuroscience

Spinal and brainstem circuits for movement

Bagnall Lab

Dennis Barbour, MD, PhD

Dennis Barbour, MD, PhD

Professor of Biomedical Engineering