Here is a list of helpful numbers.
Building Services (Plant Maintenance, Box 8080) | 314-362-3100 |
Employee Health (Box 8030) Room 3420 East Building | 314-362-3528 |
Housekeeping (Custodial Services, Box 8079) | 314-362-3563 |
Post Office (Medical School, Box 8000) | 314-362-1091 |
Medical Bookstore (Box 8085) | 314-286-0045 |
Medical Library (Box 8132) | 314-362-7080 |
Receiving (Medical School, Box 8079) | 314-362-3093 |
Security (Barnes-Jewish Hospital) | 314-362-0750 |
Security (Medical School, Box 8207) | 314-362-4357 |
Telecommunications (Box 8120) | 314-362-2888 |
Transportation Services (Box 8205) | 314-362-6824 |
Business Office – Department – Suite 6100, 4444 Building
General Business Office Inquiries:
Body Donation Program
Glassware & Autoclaving
For inquiries regarding these services, please contact our Department Lab Manager, Nick Thompson at
Graduate education
Graduate Office (Box 8226) | 314-362-3365 |
Sally Vogt, Graduate Program Administrator | 314-362-7189 |
MSTP Program | 314-747-6787 |
Fax | 314-362-3369 |
Departmental fax machines
Suite 6100, 4444 Building | 314-362-3446 |
Machine shop
Kevin Poenicke | 314-362-6186 |
Animal Studies (Box 8025) | 314-362-3229 |
Division of Comparative Medicine (Box 8061) | 314-362-3700 |
Environmental Safety (Box 8229) | 314-362-6816 |
Human Studies (Box 8089) | 314-362-3244 |
Protein Sequencing Lab (Box 8103) | 314-362-3366 |
Radiation Safety (Box 8053) | 314-362-3476 |
Transgenic facility (Mouse Genetics Core)
Wallace, Mia (Room 405) 4th floor E. McDonnell | 314-747-4554 |
6th floor E. McDonnell | 314-747-3418 |
Fax | 314-362-9556 |