Research and science journalism in a time of misinformation
Bob Grant
Editor in Chief
The Scientist magazine
Join the St. Louis Neuroscience Outreach Interest Group (StLNOIG) for their quarterly seminar, this year focusing on meaningful scientific communication between experts, students, and the general public.
Reporting and writing about science, in addition to conducting it, is a craft that has always demanded precision and a thoughtful approach. But the rise of social media and the attendant democratization of information sharing has presented unique challenges to the conscientious researcher and science journalist. As mis- and dis-information have come to form larger portions of an average person’s daily information diet, both prior to and during the COVID-19 pandemic, the need for solid, dependable information on science, public health, epidemiology, and related fields has increased. This situation makes research and trustworthy science communication not only more challenging but more important than ever to practice and share. Bob Grant, Editor in Chief of The Scientist, will give attendees an insider’s perspective on these challenges and insight into how the job of science communicator has changed over the past decade. We’ll also discuss what role researchers can play in turning the tide of misinformation while welcoming a greater slice of the public into the sphere of true evidence-based and critical thinking.
Virtual event
Please email Katie Lefton to join the StLNOIG email list and receive the Zoom link.