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Snyder Lab

Small circuits underlying behavior

PI: Lawrence Snyder, MD, PhD

The Snyder Lab studies small circuits underlying cognition in the non-human primate model. Currently, the lab has projects involving spatial representation, memory and movement; eye-hand and bimanual coordination; and correlation-based functional connectivity.

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Staff Scientist (Oviedo Lab)


The Oviedo lab is conducting groundbreaking research on the development of the brain's communication centers and how they are impacted by neuropsychiatric disorders.

Striatal dopamine mediates hallucination-like perception in mice

Striatal dopamine mediates hallucination-like perception in mice

Schmack, K., Bosc ,M., Ott, T., Sturgill J.F., Kepecs, A., Apr 2 2021; In: Science. 372(6537).

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Taghert Lab

Circadian neural circuits

PI: Paul Taghert, PhD

The Taghert Lab seeks to understand the organization, regulation and outputs of circadian neural circuits in the Drosophila brain. The lab takes advantage of the remarkable molecular genetic methods that are available with this model system.

Tami Evans’ retirement reception

Tami Evans’ retirement reception

Tami Evans, the pre-clinical business manager for the department, is stepping down after 19 years in the department. We celebrated her career on June 23, 2022.

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Tavoni Lab

Theoretical and computational neuroscience

PI: Gaia Tavoni, PhD

The Tavoni laboratory develops theories and models to understand how information is represented and processed in neuronal networks, and how brain computations adapt to changing environments and conditions. Areas of focus in the lab include coarse-grained and biophysical models of perceptual learning, statistical physics approaches to memory consolidation and retrieval, Bayesian and complexity theories of high-level cognition, and data-driven models of decision circuits.

Values encoded in orbitofrontal cortex are causally related to economic choices

Values encoded in orbitofrontal cortex are causally related to economic choices

Ballesta*, S., Shi*, W., Conen, K. E. & Padoa-Schioppa, C., Dec 17 2020, In: Nature. 588, 7838, p. 450-453.

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Van Essen Lab

Connectomics; Mapping cerebral cortex

PI: David Van Essen, PhD

The Van Essen Lab develops and uses computerized brain mapping techniques to study the structure, function, and development of cerebral cortex in humans and nonhuman primates. The lab is heavily engaged in the Human Connectome Project, a 5-year project to map human brain circuitry in healthy adults.

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Yi Lab

Brain development & disease

PI: Jason Yi, PhD

The Yi Lab studies the molecular pathways that govern how a new brain is constructed and wired for a lifetime of function. The long-term goal of our research is to uncover new treatments for developmental disorders such as autism, Angelman syndrome, and intellectual disability.