Nick Ge

Nick Ge

Undergraduate Researcher

Joel Geerling, MD, PhD

Joel Geerling, MD, PhD

Assistant Professor of Neurology, University of Iowa

Faculty advisor: Arthur Loewy, PhD

Dissertation (2008) Aldosterone-sensitive neurons and salt appetite

Robert Gereau, PhD

Robert Gereau, PhD

Professor of Anesthesiology

Matthew Glasser, MD, PhD

Matthew Glasser, MD, PhD

Resident and Collaborator, Washington University

Faculty advisor: David Van Essen, PhD

Dissertation (2017): Towards in vivo neuroanatomy: Tools for improving spatial localization and cortical parcellation

Matthew Glasser, MD, PhD

Matthew Glasser, MD, PhD

Assistant Professor of Radiology

Abby  Gooch

Abby Gooch

Undergraduate Student

Geoffrey Goodhill, PhD

Geoffrey Goodhill, PhD

Professor of Neuroscience & Professor of Developmental Biology

Jared Vega Goodman, MD, PhD

Jared Vega Goodman, MD, PhD

Resident in Neurology, Washington University

Faculty advisors: Azad Bonni, MD, PhD and Harrison Gabel, PhD

Dissertation (2019): Regulation of genome architecture by chromatin remodeling in the brain

David Gottlieb, PhD

David Gottlieb, PhD

Professor Emeritus