Join the Department of Neuroscience in celebrating the contributions of our former Chair, Dr. Azad Bonni.
Register for Symposium honoring Dr. Azad Bonni

Join the Department of Neuroscience in celebrating the contributions of our former Chair, Dr. Azad Bonni.
Kang, a graduate student in the lab of Larry Snyder, studies communication between two areas in the posterior parietal cortex during coordinated eye and arm movements.
Neuroprep is a two-year, paid program for recent college graduates from groups currently under-represented in the profession to gain research skills in preparation for grad school.
Kang and Livi will present their research at the annual O’Leary Prize Competition March 14, 2023.
Rachel Wilson, PhD, of Harvard Medical School presents the 2023 Lecture on the neural circuitry of navigation and reflects on the status of women in science.
A study of human brain tissue by Guoyan Zhao and colleagues identifies genetic activity in microglia and astrocytes related neurodegeneration and neuropathology among individuals with Alzheimer or Parkinson disease.
Huang studies memory processing and retrieval in Drosophila and has developed cutting-edge optical tools for observing neural plasticity in behaving flies.
After an injury to dorsal root ganglion neurons adjacent to the spinal cord, resident macrophages work with satellite glial cells to heal damaged axons.
Research flourishes despite the immense challenges of the pandemic.
Professor Kepecs presented to the Joint Meeting of the Hungarian and Austrian Neuroscience Societies on his approaches to developing methods to accurately model human psychiatric disorders.