David Kaplan, PhD

David Kaplan, PhD

Associate Professor, Macquarie University, Australia

Faculty advisor: Lawrence Snyder, MD, PhD

Postdoctoral fellow: 2009-2013

Jeffery Keating, PhD

Jeffery Keating, PhD

Director of Information Technology (Retired) NeurAbilities

Faculty advisor: W. Thomas Thach, MD,PhD

Dissertation (1994): An investigation into the role of cerebellar cortex in the adaptation of a targeted ballistic movement of the wrist

Chien-Ping Ko, PhD

Chien-Ping Ko, PhD

Professor Emeritus, University of Southern California

Faculty advisor: Harold Burton, PhD

Dissertation (1975)

Akshata Korgaonkar, PhD

Akshata Korgaonkar, PhD

Scientist-Immuno Neurology, Alector

Faculty advisor: Edward Han, PhD

Postdoctoral fellow, 2017-2020

Jan Kubanek, PhD

Jan Kubanek, PhD

Assistant Professor in Biomedical Engineering, University of Utah

Faculty advisor: Lawrence Snyder, MD, PhD

Dissertation (2013): Embodied decision signals in the brain

Timothy Laumann, MD, PhD

Timothy Laumann, MD, PhD

Instructor, Washington University

Faculty advisors: Steven Petersen, PhD (Radiology), David Van Essen, PhD (Neuroscience)

Dissertation (2017): Functional brain organization in space and time

Donghoon Lee, PhD

Donghoon Lee, PhD

Postdoctoral Fellow, The Rockefeller University

Faculty advisor: Timothy Holy, PhD

Dissertation (2019): A molecular logic of sensory coding revealed by optical tagging of physiologically-defined neuronal types

James Lewis, PhD

James Lewis, PhD

Professor, West Virginia University

Faculty advisor: David Van Essen, PhD

Dissertation (1998): The intraparietal sulcus of the Macaque and connected cortical regions: Anatomical parcellation and connections throughout the hemisphere

Jingfeng Li, PhD

Jingfeng Li, PhD

Data Science Manager, Facebook

Faculty advisor: Lawrence Snyder, MD, PhD
Dissertation (2015): Neural basis of functional connectivity MRI

Xitong Liang, PhD

Xitong Liang, PhD

Assistant Professor, Peking University

Faculty advisors: Tim Holy, PhD, and Paul Taghert, PhD

Dissertation (2018): Neural mechanisms of Drosophila circadian rhythms