See where former members of the Department of Neuroscience are now, including graduate students, postdocs, and faculty.
Trainees from the Department of Neuroscience go on to have distinguished careers in academia, medicine, industry and beyond. We offer unparalleled institutional resources, faculty who are dedicated to mentoring and a Department that prioritizes diversity, equity and inclusion. If you are interested in joining us, check out graduate rotation opportunities and postdoctoral positions.
Neuroscience philosopher: A profile of David Kaplan, PhD
Sabin Nettles receives SfN Next Generation Award
Mouse Brain Cartographer: A Profile of Quanxin Wang, PhD
Alumni directory

Jonathan Cohen, PhD
Bullard Professor of Neurobiology, Harvard Medical School
Faculty Member, Department of Neuroscience, 1982-1992

Katherine Conen, PhD
Postdoc, Desrochers Lab, Brown University Dept of Neuroscience
- Email:
Faculty advisor: Camillo Padoa-Schioppa, PhD
Dissertation (2018): Correlated variability and adaptation in orbitofrontal cortex during economic choice

Charles E. (Ed) Connor, PhD
Director, Zanvyl Krieger Mind/Brain Institute and Professor, Johns Hopkins University
- Email:
Faculty advisor: David Van Essen, PhD
Postdoctoral fellow, 1990-1996

Philip F. Copenhaver, PhD
Professor of Cell & Developmental Biology, Oregon Health Sciences University
- Email:
Faculty advisor: Paul Taghert, PhD
Postdoctoral research associate, 1985-1989

Yaoyi Dai, MS
PhD program student, Baylor College of Medicine
- Phone: 314-601-4999
- Email:
Faculty advisor: Guoyan Zhao, PhD
Thesis (2020): Transcriptomic change during associated learning process at single-cell level

Michael Dailey, PhD
Associate Professor, University of Iowa
- Email:
Faculty advisor: Paul Bridgman, PhD
Dissertation (1990): Structure and dynamics of membrane organelles of a neuronal growth cone

Vamsi Daliparthi, PhD
Scientist, Altos Labs
- Email:
Faculty Advisor: Martha Bagnall, PhD
Postdoctoral fellow, 2020-2021

Greg DeAngelis, PhD
George Eastman Professor, Brain and Cognitive Sciences, Biomedical Engineering, Neuroscience, Center for Visual Science, University of Rochester
Faculty Member, Department of Neuroscience, 1999-2007

James Demas, PhD
Associate Professor, St. Olaf College
- Email:
Faculty advisor: Rachel Wong, PhD
Dissertation (2004): Cellular regulation and developmental function of retinal spontaneous activit

Valentina Di Liberto, PhD
Senior Researcher, University of Palermo
- Email:
Faculty Advisor: Valeria Cavalli, PhD
Postdoctoral fellow, 2010-2011

J. David Dickman, PhD
Professor and Vivian L. Smith Endowed Chair in Neuroscience, Baylor College of Medicine
Faculty Member, Department of Neuroscience, 1999-2011

Stephane Dissel, PhD
Assistant Professor, University of Missouri, Kansas City
- Email:
Faculty Advisor: Paul Shaw, PhD
Postdoctoral fellow, 2012-2017

Chad Donahue, MD, PhD
Resident, University of Pittsburgh
- Email:
Faculty advisor: David Van Essen, PhD
Dissertation (Biomedical Engineering, 2021): Cortical organization in humans and nonhuman primates: The evolution of cognitive areas and circuits

Jeffrey Donlea, PhD
Associate Professor, UCLA
- Email:
Faculty advisor: Paul Shaw, PhD
Dissertation (2010): Use-dependent plasticity regulates sleep need in Drosophila Melanogaster

Laura Duvall, PhD
Assistant Professor, Columbia University
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Faculty advisor: Paul H. Taghert, PhD
Dissertation (2012): Cell signaling components of the Drosophila Circadian pacemaker

Kathrin Engisch, PhD
Associate Professor, Wright State University
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Faculty advisor: Gerald Fischbach, MD
Dissertation (1990): The development of neuronal chemosensitivity does not depend on innervation or target contact

Lisa Evans Elkin, PhD
Senior Principal Scientist, Pfizer, Inc.
- Email:
Faculty Advisor: Paul Bridgman, PhD
Dissertation (1997): The role of Myosin Va in axonal transport

Afreen Ferdoash, MA
Vice President, Data Technology, MSCI Inc., India

Christopher Fetsch, PhD
Assistant Professor, Johns Hopkins University
- Email:
Faculty advisor: Dora Angelaki, PhD
Dissertation (2009): Neural mechanisms of multisensory cue integration for self-motion perception